Walking freely among people with mental illness could pose risks to the public in Tarawa. On Saturday morning last week, the woman, who is believed to have a mental illness, was seen throwing stones at cars, motorbikes, and pedestrians in Betio. The driver of a Honda Fit saloon car, with the license plate KLTA 4263, reported to Radio Kiribati News that he, his wife, and their 7-year-old daughter were sitting inside their car, which was parked near Taotin Gas Station in Betio. Suddenly, a stone hit their car's side mirror, causing damage. The driver rushed out of the car, thinking the culprit might be drunk, but instead, he saw the woman walking away, angrily muttering to herself. The family quickly went to the nearby police station near KIT and reported the incident. Police officers soon arrived and took her away. ………………….. E nooraki ngkai bwa e na konaa ni karikii kanganga nakoia te botannaomata ririakiia koraki ake iai rootakin aia iango iaon Tarawa. Ni moan ingaabongin te kaonobong ae e nako ao e nooraki ni karebanai kaa, rebwerebwe, ao taan ririaki iaon Betio te aine temanna are e kakoauaaki bwa iai rootakin ana iango. Ni maroron ana ruu ni kareke rongorongo bwanaan Kiribati ma kaain tewaana te saloon car are e karebanaaki naba n te tai anne, ao e taku te driver n te kaa aio ae te honda fit KLTA 4263, bwa a bon mena inanon aia kaa taangaia ma natiia n ana tabo ni bwaa Taotin are i Betio ngke e a bon nako naba n teke aia side mirror ao n raeuaaki n te mwakoro ni buriki ae bubura. E ienikuri n otinako te driver aio n nooria bwa e taku bwa manging, mangke e a otinako ao ai te aine aio are e boonako ao n taetae n uun I bon irouna. A waekoa naakai ni karoko n aobitin te Ikotaki ni bureitiman are uakaan ma KIT n riibotina te kanganga aio ike a waekoa naba bureitiman n anaia ni kaawakinna.