Nabeina Village on Tarawa Teinaieta Island celebrated the 54th anniversary of its no-liquor policy last Saturday. The Island Community worker of the island Beiauea Nabibi told Radio Kiribati News that the celebration aimed to encourage the community to uphold the importance of this village rule for the well-being of both the village and their families. Beiauea also highlighted that one of the key elements of the event was the presentation of a small house, or Kiakia, from each village member. The event was attended by the Minister of MTCIC, Tangariki Reete, Mayor Francis Kaua, the island clerk, the ETC staff, KOIRAP team, and others. …………… E a tia te kaawa ae Nabeina I Tarawa Teinaieta n karaoa ana botaki ni katekeraoi ibukin koron ana ka 54 n ririki katabuan te manging n aia kaawa n te kaonobong ae nako. E ribotinna te ICW n te abamwakoro aio ae Beiauea Nabibi nakon ana ru n kareke rongorongo bwanaan kriiabti bwa karaoan te botaki ni katekeraoi aio bon kamatoaan riki nanoia kain te kaawa aio nakon aia oi n tua ae rangi ni kakawaki ibukin mwengaraoia n aia kaawa ao aia utu. E taku riki Beiauea bwa kanoan naba te bong aio bon te kaotibwai n kaka teuana te kiakia iaon te bukinibwai. E ngae n anne ao e a kakoauaaki te bukamaru aio iroun te minita n te botaki ni mwakuri ibukin Kaneweaba Bitineti karaobwai ao boboti ke MTCIC ae Tangariki Reete ao kaain ana tiim, te Mayor ae Francis Kaua , Kiraka ma taan mwakuri n te kauntira ,kain te tiim man KOIRAP ao ai tabeman riki.