The storage facility within the compound of the state house in Bairiki was set ablaze on Monday afternoon. According to the Office of Te Beretitenti (OB), the structure is a locally constructed small storage unit located near the concrete fence that separates the state house from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) office. An MOJ officer who witnessed the incident reported to Radio Kiribati that they were outside their office during a power outage when they first noticed smoke rising from behind the concrete fence, followed by explosions. She added that they then saw flames climbing over the top of the fence and approaching their office. Some MOJ officers tried to extinguish the fire using their fire extinguishers, supported by others from the nearby Australian building. ................... E karina n riki te ura nakon teuana te kateitei ae uarereke are e tei inanon ana kambwaaun te statehouse are I Bairiki ni bwakantaain te Moanibong. Ni kaineti ma ana rongorongo ana aobiti te Beretitenti ao e oti bwa te kateitei aio bon te auti ae uarereke are e karaoaki man te bwai ni Kiribati ibukin nnen bwaai are e tei n uakaan ma oon te state house imarenana ma aobitin te Ministry of Justice (MOJ). Ni maroron temanna te tia mwakuri n te MOJ are a noora rikin te kanganga aio nakon ana ruu ni kareke rongorongo bwanaan Kiribati, ao e taku bwa a bane n tekateka ni maroro I tinanikun aia aobiti n te bwakantaai anne, ngkai e bon mate aia power n aia aobiti, ao a kuba ngke a noora naba te bubu, ao rebwetatan te bwai ae e ura. E reitia riki n taku bwa imwiina ao a noora te oo te timanti are imarenaia raoi ma te state house are e a ura aona ao n tabe ni uauakaan ma aia aobiti. A kataia ni ibuobuoki kaain te aobiti aio n taobaraa rakanakon te urarake aio ni kabonganai aia bwai n tiriai ake a uarereke(fire extinguisher) ao ni ikarekebai ni ibuobuoki ma taan mwakuri n ana kateitei Aotiteria teuana are e tei naba n uakaan ma te state house aio. ………………… The storage facility within the compound of the state house in Bairiki was set ablaze on Monday afternoon. According to the Office of Te Beretitenti (OB), the structure is a locally constructed small storage unit located near the concrete fence that separates the state house from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) office. An MOJ officer who witnessed the incident reported to Radio Kiribati that they were outside their office during a power outage when they first noticed smoke rising from behind the concrete fence, followed by explosions. She added that they then saw flames climbing over the top of the fence and approaching their office. Some MOJ officers tried to extinguish the fire using their fire extinguishers, supported by others from the nearby Australian building.