The Coastal Fisheries Division team from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development is currently on Christmas Island to conduct SCUBA diving training. According to a statement from the MFMRD, the training will last for three weeks and will involve 30 participants, including CFD staff and local pet fish collectors. Participants are divided into three groups and will receive a combination of hands-on diving experiences and essential classroom lessons. The training will cover SCUBA skills, safety protocols, and underwater navigation. This training is funded by the PROP Project. ............. A mena ngkai iaon Kiritimati ana aobitia te Botaki n Akawa n mwangana ae te Coastal Fisheries Division ibukin karaoan te angareirei n te tebo. E taku te rongorongo man te Botaki n Akawa bwa ena karaoaki te angareirei inanon 3 te wiiki ao ena kaainaki irouia teningaun taan iria man te Botaki n Akawa ao taan tebo ibukin ikan te kiraati (Pet Fish Collectors). E taku te aobiti aio bwa a tibwaaki inanon teniua kurubu kain te reirei aio ao ni waaki aia reirei mai eta n reitaki ma te kataneiai I taari. Kanoan te reirei ae rangi ni kakawaki bon atan mauriia I taari, ao aanga aika kakawaki ao a riai ibukin te tebo. E mwanenaki te mwananga aio iroun te PROP Project.