The Ministry of Education will kick off its National Education Week next Week until the following week Monday 7 October. A statement from MOE said the event will feature the official opening of the National Education Week on Monday, carrier exposition on Tuesday, School Competition on Wednesday, MOE Open and Cultural Day on Thursday, School Based Celebration on Friday, World Teachers Day celebration on Saturday and MOE Sport Day on Monday 7 October. ............ E na tauraoi te Botaki n Reirei ni bukamarua wiikin te reirei ke te National Education Week ni moan man te wiiki ae boou ao n toki n te Moanibong ae 7 iai bongin Okitobwa. E taku te rongorongo man te botaki n reirei bwa n te Moanibong 30 n Tebetembwa ao ena kaukaki iai te National Education Week, n te Kauabong bon te kaongoraa iaon rongorongon taian kamwakuri (carrier exposition), te Katenibong bon te kaboo irouia reirei, n te Kabong ena karaoaki te Open Day ao Bukamaruan Katein Kiribati n ana tabo te Botaki n Reirei, n te Kanimabong bon te bukamaru ae onoti irouia reirei ni kabane, te Kaonobong bukamaruan aia bong taan reirei ao te Moanibong are imwiin bon te bong n takakaro irouia taan mwakuri n te Botaki n Reirei. ………………