The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has signed a Funding Arrangement with Kiribati to enhance the country’s ability in climate and biodiversity-smart marine spatial planning and protection. This collaboration aims to involve the people of Kiribati in decisions regarding the use of the Phoenix Islands ocean.
The funding, totaling AUD 1,110,000 over the next two years, comes from New Zealand’s climate finance commitment, with additional support for Technical Assistance. Effective marine spatial planning will require collaboration across different government sectors to address various interests in the ocean. The work will be overseen by the Kiribati Marine Spatial Planning Coordinating Committee, which includes representatives from various government departments.
This funding supports and strengthens the initiatives already underway in Kiribati to improve marine management and integrate climate, biodiversity, and sustainable economic factors into ocean use decisions. Key activities will involve data collection and analysis, facilitating discussions among different stakeholders, engaging the public, and drafting relevant legislation. The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resource Development will lead this effort.
E a tia te Tautaeka ni Kiribati n tiainaa te boraraoi ma te Nutiran ibukin mwanenakin mwakuriian ao kabonganakin te marawa are e mena n te Aobo n Rawaki (Phoenix Islands).
Te mwaiti ni mwane ae $1,110,000 are e anga Nutiran nakon te karikirake aio e bon reke man te buoka rinanon te New Zealand Climate Finance ao ni katautauaki bwa e na mwanena te karikirake aio inanon 2 te ririki.
E teretere bwa te buoka mai iroun Nutiran aio, e na kakorakora riki aia mwakuri kain te Komete aio ni mwakurii kanoan aia babaire aika 10 mwaitia are e Oioi ma kabwaian te botannaomata ibukin barongakin marawan te Aono n Rawaki.
Man te buoka aio ao e na kona ni kanakoraoa ana waaki te Tautaeka are e a tia n waakinna ibukin barongakin ana marawa n raonaki ma waaki ibukin bibitakin kanoan boong ao kateimatoaan te karekemwane man kabonganan ara marawa.
E ngae n anne ao e na tauraoi te Botaki n Akawa ao Karikirakean Kaubwaira mai taari ni mwakuriia te itera aio ao ni kabotoa ana mwakuri iaon karekean rongorongo ma waare ao rinanoaia, kabarantan ao rinanoan waaki are ana wakinaki n te marawa aio, te mwakuri ma te Botannaomata ao ai bon karaoan tuua.
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